Opening new frontiers toward the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and other neurological disorders.
Achieving broad distribution of RNAi therapeutics throughout the CNS has been a limitation in developing effective medicines for neurodegenerative diseases.

Pioneering genetic therapies for neurodegenerative disease
Neurological disease remains the largest cause of disability and second leading cause of mortality, worldwide, but life-changing therapies could be on the horizon.

Beam Therapeutics
Revolutionizing gene-based editing to create lifelong cures
The team developed a DNA base editing technology that enabled more precise edits through direct chemical conversion of one base to another compared to approaches that introduce double-strand breaks.

CHARM Therapeutics
CHARM Therapeutics: Unfolding a new era of drug discovery by leveraging breakthrough 3D deep learning technology.
Predicting the structure and nature of protein-ligand interactions could enable a revolution in virtual screening potentially addressing difficult-to-drug molecular targets.

Denali Therapeutics
Neurodegenerative disease has remained an undefeated adversary for too long.
That needed to change. Through our affiliate FBRI, F-Prime has had a long-standing commitment to cure neurodegenerative diseases. But all previous disease-modifying trials in this arena had failed. In the past decade, though, major scientific insights into the underlying genetic causes and biological processes—along with new translational medicine tools—gave us hope for a different future.

Gold-standard eating disorder treatment delivers lasting recovery for patients and families at home.
In 2019, Kristina Saffran and Dr. Erin Parks came to us with a slide deck and a passion for helping those struggling with eating disorders (EDs).

While preparing to attend MIT in 2008, an international student was tasked with sending his international tuition payment to the university - but the entire process lacked transparency.
Student was tasked with sending his international tuition payment to the university - but the entire process lacked transparency.

K36 Therapeutics
K36 Therapeutics: Advancing a first-in-class MMSET inhibitor to benefit t(4;14) multiple myeloma patients and beyond.
F-Prime has long been interested in precision medicine approaches that tackle the underlying cause of diseases, ranging from investments in small molecules (e.g., Blueprint Medicines) to gene editing technologies (e.g., Beam Therapeutics).

Orchard Therapeutics
Prof. Bobby Gaspar wanted to solve a big puzzle.
But he only had a few pieces in hand. He and his co-founders had some of the most exciting-edge gene therapy medicines-and clinical data showing they worked-but that wasn't enough.

Patients get care from many providers. When these caregivers don’t coordinate, it’s dangerous and expensive.
Could this be improved by solving a communication problem?

Peptone: Bringing computational design to antibody drug discovery.
Many human proteins are intrinsically disordered and play a critical role in key biological processes — predicting their behaviour could unlock therapeutics acting at new high-value targets.

Prime Medicine
Prime Medicine: Advancing a next-generation gene editing technology
Using “search and replace” to address the fundamental causes of genetic disease.

Project Beacon
As COVID-19 rapidly spread across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, it quickly grew apparent to Boston’s life science community that there was a dire need for efficient, affordable, accessible and equitable testing.
Boston’s life science community needed efficient, affordable, accessible and equitable testing.

How Quovo Became Embedded in the New Financial Services Tech Stack
Lowell Putnam joins David Jegen to reflect on Quovo’s biggest wins

Led by “Work Brothers,” RiskRecon Struck Gold in Third-Party Cyber Risk
Co-founders Kelly White and Eric Blatte armed enterprises with modern cyber risk assessment tools

Structure Therapeutics
Providing the next generation of high-impact medicines
Biologics and peptides have revolutionized healthcare setting the stage for a new generation of equally transformative orally available small molecule medicines.
From the willingness to listen and the ability to innovate in the face of failure, a Boston unicorn is born.
Steve, Aman and Jon were at dinner when they realized the restaurant industry needed a serious tech upgrade. The three MIT grads had met at enterprise software company Endeca, and had been thinking of starting their own company in the mobile commerce space.

Emil Kakkis has always been driven to solve difficult problems.
When he approached us, he was looking for an investor who would understand rare diseases the way he did. His vision was to build a mission-driven company to treat rare and ultra-rare genetic diseases—all the way from concept to globally-approved drugs.

In a Crowded Savings Market, Deep Industry Experience Set Vestwell Apart
Selling to financial advisors was the best way to distribute savings programs both in and out of the workplace — but only Vestwell knew it