
Ishani Ganguli is a Venture Advisor with F-Prime Capital. She is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a practicing primary care physician at Brigham & Women’s Hospital. As a health services and policy researcher, she studies the value of ambulatory care and how health care policies and payment/delivery models shape patient and clinician behavior. Ishani received an AB from Harvard College, an MD from Harvard Medical School, and an MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health. She trained in internal medicine/primary care and completed a fellowship in health policy and management, both at Massachusetts General Hospital.

  • AmplifyMD is a turnkey specialty access platform connecting the over 3,300 medical institutions with a lack of specialty access – often in rural or small regions of the United States – to a network of leading specialists. The company provides both the clinical team as well as the software to streamline and automate virtual care delivery and billing workflows and integrates seamlessly with hospitals’ existing EHRs. Learn more at www.amplifymd.com.